
Supported since
dbDriver identifier
Minimum version
General, Specific

If for whatever reason an SQLite database does not suit your configuration, PostgreSQL is the best alternative. It is functionally equivalent to SQLite in every way.


In order to use a PostgreSQL database for The Arsse, the database must already exist. The procedure for creating a database can differ between systems, but a typical Linux procedure is as follows:

sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER arsseuser WITH PASSWORD 'super secret password'"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE arssedb WITH OWNER arsseuser"

The Arsse must then be configured to use the created database. A suitable configuration file might look like this:

return [
    'dbDriver'         => "postgresql",
    'dbPostgreSQLUser' => "arsseuser",
    'dbPostgreSQLPass' => "super secret password",
    'dbPostgreSQLDb'   => "arssedb",

Numerous alternate configurations are possible; the above is merely the simplest.